Kubernetes Ckad Exam Tips

2 minute read

Recently, I have completed Certified Kubernets Application Developer (CKAD) certification of The Linux Foundation. Here are a few tips for the exam which might help you as well to crack the same exam.

Vi / Vim setting for yaml file to edit comfortably & efficiently

Added few setting in .vimrc profile which help to edit yaml file effectively and efficiently.

cat <<EOF>~/.vimrc
set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et ai number
syntax on

Or may be follow below procedure:
echo "set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et number" >> ~/.vimrc
source ~/.vimrc

While copying part of yaml from kubernetes.io site, enable past mode first using :set past which will keep source formatting.

Disable paste mode by using command: :set nopaste in vim command mode. Again turn on auto intendation mode using :set ai.

To indent multiple line, go to appropriate line and press :shift+v and select required line using up/down arrow keys. Then to indent the marked lines press >or < and to repeat same action use ..

Command Alias

Used below command alias to type command quickly and check various resources in a single command for a namespace.

cat <<EOF>kalias.sh
alias k="kubectl"
alias kgn="kubectl get node" 
alias aa='kubectl get all,sa,ep,sc,pv,pvc,cm,netpol'
alias kn='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace '
alias kcc='kubectl config get-contexts'

export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml" o="-o wide" y="-o yaml" l="--show-labels" r="--recursive"

source <(kubectl completion bash)
complete -F __start_kubectl k

source kalias.sh

Tmux Setting

Tmux is a great tool but I havn’t used because copy and paste method is different than the normal termal. Also time is ticking and need to move quickly to answer all the questions…..

Book Mark kubernetes.io

In my bookmark manager, added necessary sample yaml from kubernetes.io site so that I could check content quickly when it is required.

Lab Practice

At the end, do a lot practice in your lab which will help to answer most of the question in the exam.

  • Use imperative command to create skeleton for pod or deployment and then modify/add extra parameters
  • Use imperative command to expose service
  • Use bash search command ctl+rto run previously executed command.


Frequenly Use vi/vim commands

w ==> jump by start of words
4w >> jump muultiple word
e ==> jump by end of words
3e>> multiple at a time
b ==> jump backward by words
0 ==> (zero) is to jump to the start of the line
$ ==> (dollar) jumps to end of line
gg ==> to go to top of page
G ==> to go to bottom of page
dd ==> delete current line
y ==> yank/copy current line
P ==> paste content before cursor
p ==> paster content after cursor
i ==> enter insert mode to input text in current cursor location
a ==> enter insert mode and move cursor to append to the existing line
u ==> undo last action
. ==> (dot) to repeat last command
Ctrl + r ==> redo last action
v ==> to visually select multiple lines

:5 ==> go to 5th line in the file
:N ==> go to Nth line in the file
/search_text ==> search for search_text
n ==> repeat search in same direction
:%s/old_text/new_text/g ==> replace all old_text with new_text throughput file
:%s/old_text/new_text/gc ==> replace all old_text with new_text throughput file asking for confirmation before making each change
:set et ==> set expandtabs to spaces
:set number ==> show line numbers
:set sw=2 ==> shiftwidth of tab from default 8 to 2 spaces
:set ts=2 ==> set tabstop to 2 spaces
:set sts ==> set softtabstop to 2 spaces
